Question:  What is your opinion about Zephaniah 3:9 and Acts 2:1?


Zeph. 3:9 IMO speaks to the time when God is dealing with Israel in the yet future; and all their double talk; which is current, will be refreshed by Almighty God from their rejection of Jesus; to the language of the “New Covenant” which will be imposed on them, when God Saves them, “for His Names Sake”; see (Ezek. 39:21–29 & Jer. 31:31)!

Acts 2:1 IMO speaks to the gathering of the Apostles, which is just prior to the Endowment of the Holy Spirit and Gifts!  This Endowment continued up to the end of Acts, with many demonstrations of His Power!

Because of the rejection by the Sanhedrin etc. at the end of Acts of Christ Jesus as their Messiah; the Holy Spirit was reduced/withdrawn, so that Paul could not heal Trophimus!

Joel states that the Holy Spirit will be enacted again at the stage of Joel 2:28–32!


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